Meet the Instep dancers and teachers


Name – Libby Clarke

Age – 17

How long have you been dancing at Instep?

Since it began again for the new term in 2015 – so for nearly 2 terms 

What is your favorite memory from Instep?

So far my favorite memory has been made to feel so welcome to the dance family and I hope many more memories form over the next year

What has been your favorite dance at Instep and why?

My favorite dance which I have seen performed so far has been ‘Black Flies’ as the choreography and props used truly compliment the lyrics and music within the song

What is the most rewarding thing about dancing for Instep?

Being able to complete new challenging movements created by the teachers as well as gaining so many new friends and feeling like a part of the instep family

I am happiest when I am … with my friends and family – and dancing (of course)

The cheesiest song on my ipod is ... Baby – by Justin Bieber

My role model is ... Jess Hall (my old dance teacher)

When I am not at Instep I also like to ... Do photography and spend time with my best friends

What dance company or choreographer is your biggest inspiration and why?

Joss Arnott dance company is my biggest inspiration; the all-female company continue to inspire me.

What would be your dream job?

Becoming a professional dancer and travelling with dance

Finish the sentence - In 5 years time I see myself ...

Travelling around the world with dance and seeing where it takes me